Thursday, October 22, 2015

Melissa Avila is the English Department Student of the Quarter!

English teacher Erin Lundin and Melissa Avila, English Department Student of the Quarter
I'm proud to announce that  Melissa Avila (Class of '16) is the English Department's Student of the Quarter. She was selected by her Acting 1 teacher, Erin Lundin.  When Ms. Lundin introduced Melissa at the Student of the Quarter Breakfast this morning, she spoke about a Melissa's maturity, leadership, and kindness.  Congratulations Melissa!

Tell Your Story 2016

I'm very excited to announce the second annual "Tell Your Story" event!  Last year's event was truly amazing, a remarkable display of true student stories and authentic and strong student voice.

"Tell your Story" is a night-time event that allows students to "tell their story" in a coffee-house-like setting (it's actually in the Community Room like you've never seen it before. ) Live musical entertainment and refreshments will be provided.  The theme of this year's event is "Knots."  Students must draw inspiration from the theme and be true,  and the story must be about YOU, not a best friend.

Student writing submissions are due on December 18th.  Four teacher sponsors will choose the speakers at the event.  I can't wait!

Do you want more information?  You can contact me, or Mrs. Robyn Corelitz (, Mr. Hasham Bhatti (, Ms. Kate Saunders ( or Ms. Gina Chandler (

The deadline for submissions is on Dec. 18th and the event will be on Feb. 18th.