Thursday, April 26, 2012

Two HC Students are finalists for Illinois Musical Theatre Award!

 Jayne Jaeger and Tyler Leahy have just been notified that they are two of the 24 finalists for the Illinois High School Musical Theatre Award!  Both Jayne and Tyler submitted dvd footage (is that the right word?) of moments of their performances in Les Mis this past March.  Based on that as well as recommendations and application material, they have advanced to the finalist stage.  The next step is to compete downtown on Monday, May 7th, with other finalists in the area.  Two winners will advance in the competition: they will be flown to New York with other regional winners to perform on Broadway!

We’re very proud of both Jayne and Tyler!

Blog post written by Drama Director and English teacher Chris Hicks

Monday, April 16, 2012

English Teacher wins Stanford Honor

Stanford University senior, Kevin Mori (HC Class of 2008), pictured above with English teacher Christine Hicks, was recently selected as a recipient of the Frederick Emmons Terman Engineering Scholastic Award for distinguished academic performance at Stanford. Terman Awards are presented for the top five percent of each year's senior engineering class.

The very cool thing about the Terman award is that it allows the winners to invite to the luncheon the secondary school teacher who was most influential in guiding them during the formative stages of their academic career.

Kevin identified English teacher Christine Hicks who introduced Kevin at the awards ceremony at Stanford this past weekend.

Congratulations to Kevin and Christine!