Friday, May 29, 2015

English Teacher Jordan Stob is a "Make a Difference Award" winner

The PTO's Make A Difference Committee announced today the Third Quarter Winners of the Make a Difference Award! 

I'm pleased to see English teacher Jordan Stob is one of the award winners.  Congratulations to all the winners!  

Sara Pendergrass- Special Education
Karen Ford - Bookstore
Pat Morgan - Bookstore
Jordan Stob - English
Mark McCabe - Guidance

Sally Belter - World Languages

Solstice Wins Coveted Scholastic "Crown Award"

More great news for Hinsdale Central publications!

This spring, the 2013-2014 edition of Solstice, Central’s art and literary magazine, was awarded the prestigious “Crown Award” from the Columbia Scholastic Press Association at its 91st annual convention.  Out of over 1,200 entries, Solstice was one of 60 magazines to win the Crown Award.  

The chief editors from last year’s magazine, Gabrielle Lail, Sydney Schwartz, and Emily Ding, as well as the current editors, Nicholas Lucaccioni, Erin Bruns, Connie Sarantos, and Elizaveta Mangutov, are very excited about receiving this honor. 

This year’s Solstice staff was proud to distribute the 2014-2015 magazine last week.  The faculty sponsors for Solstice are HCHS art teacher Pat Potokar and HCHS English teacher Jim DiDomenico. 

A photo of the 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 Solstice magazines: