I just learned that the selection committee for The Best Non-Fiction Writing: Hinsdale Central 2011 has finished the very difficult job of selecting the very best non-fiction writing from the 165+ submissions they received. Teachers on the selection committee commented to me that they were very impressed with the improved quality of the entries, which made their job even harder this year. Senior Peter Bernardi is currently working on the design and layout of the manuscript. The book comes out in early fall. Each selected student will receive a complimentary book. Additionally, we send books to the HC library and local public libraries. Congratulations to all of the following students!
Paxton Gammie, “Imposter in Pink”
Alex Otto, “The Box”
Suhana Thakrar, “Taking Flight”
Caitlin Wong, “The Misery Melody”,
Luke Zhan, “A Not-So-Happy Meal”
Sagar Dommaraju, “Sickness”
Emma Harrison, “Nana’s Pringles”
Charlotte Kanzler, “Rosary”
Caroline Morant, “Finding Balance in Black and White”
Juwairyah Syed, “The Threads of Allah”
Ryan Callen, “The Other N-Word”
Meredith Christian, “Purple Is Everywhere”
Andrea Cladek, “Different Strokes”
Laurel Johnson, “A Fight Worth Having”
Stephanie Lenchard-Warren, “Eyes Against a Black Canvas”
Ted Owens, “Who’s Your Daddy?”
Michelle Scarpino, “The Caffeine Addict”
Melissa Trofa, “All Tests and No Play Makes Johnny a Dull Boy”
Alexis Williams, “39 Reasons”
Steven Yeh, “Dear Japanese Soldier”
Jennifer Bush, “The Unconscious Darkness”
Marianne Hardek, “Listen to the Voice”
Shirley Yarin, “Overcoming Your Destined Labyrinth”
These represent the winning essays. The book also contains the best essay from each of the seniors in the Honors Seminar in Writing.